Section AD Benefits
Why Section Analysis & Design?
- The master thin-walled sections are the base for vehicle structural construction. In a new vehicle design project the optimized master sections enable the structural design starts at a high technical level. In a design improvement project the master section analysis/modification can be used as tool for quick and accurate quantitative structural improvement even before engaging full 3-D finite element analyses.
Section reflect the characteristics of body structural components in:
- Stiffness (NVH). The major factors: size, shape, reinforcements.
- Stress (Durability/Fatigue). The major factors: material, size.
- Strength (Crash Safety). The major factors: material, size, shape.
Sections are 2D, which means:
- Straightforward, simple and quick to analyze, design and modify.
- The analysis results are simplified, approximate and best for trend design purposes.
How does Section AD makes you benefit?
- Section AD can generate thin-walled sections directly from cutting existing FEA models such as Nastran and Dyna-3D, or sketching on the screen with unique and high-efficiency user graphic interface. Several sections can be created in seconds.
- The thin-walled sections can be checked, welded and modified (shape, thickness and material types) easily in an interactive way with state-of-art display options.
- The re-designed sections can be exported CAD lines which can be used to construct new CAD models.
Section AD Advantages:
- Calculates both geometric properties and crush strengths such as axial buckling/crippling forces and maximum bending moments about all directions.
- Calculates the crush strengths in the load cases where there is a combination of axial force and bending moments.
- Conducts section design optimization in terms of best combination of shape, thickness and material selection, allowing reducing the weight without sacrifice performance.
- Bases on the close-form formulation so that all analysis and calculation are instant, plus the instant calculation result display allowing users to evaluate effects of section design changes instantly.
- Support section database so users may store and retrieve sections conveniently.